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Posts posted by Zeeta

  1. zufällig da drüber gestolpert...hat was xD hammer video ;)




    KUNG FURY is an over-the-top action comedy written and directed by David Sandberg. The movie features: arcade-robots, dinosaurs, nazis, vikings, norse gods, mutants and a super kung fu-cop called Kung Fury, all wrapped up in an 80s style action packed adventure.

    Kung Fury takes place in a variety of exotic locations; 1980s Miami, Asgard and Germany in the 1940s, to name a few. With a limited budget to work with, we had to solve this by shooting most of the scenes against a greenscreen backdrop.

    Kung Fury was funded mainly through a Kickstarter campaign, where people from all around the world showed their support for this crazy project. David worked on the film for a more than a year with almost no budget but a strong vision, with the help of friends and family. Most of the film has already been shot, but additional filming and lots of visual effects remain to be done.

    The film will be around 30 minutes long and released for free on the internet.

  2. der track ausm 2ten warcraft trailer^^ gscheit aufdreht schiebt der schon gscheit xD... irgendwie aggro...kann ich mir richtig vorstellen wie man in der schlange im supermarkt, der 90 jährigen bremserin vor einem einfach in die fresse haut xD einfach so^^